Sunday, October 31, 2010

Fall Festivities and Halloween!

WOW! October has been a very busy month for Olivia and I. We started October off by painting pumpkins. Olivia loved painting her pumpkins. Olivia is very artsy and craftsy when we let her. After Olivia painted her pumpkins her Poppy came home with a huge pumpkin from Alabama, but it never got painted.

Mid-October our church had its fall party and hayride. We gathered all the friends and family up and spent a cool Saturday evening socializing and having fun together. After we all ate and enjoyed each other we loaded the kids up for the hay ride and boy was they excited. On the hay ride we discussed halloween costumes and sang songs.

After the hay ride Olivia came down with her first ever ear infection and boy was it a rough one. Along with the ear infection she had a sinus infection. During this time, we found out that she can not take Augmiten or Amoxocillion. Those medicines do not agree with her well and needless to say made potty training very hard at first but in the end we got great news. Olivia is official potty trained in all areas, but those accidents are still expected. I am so excited to get that done now.

So the trick-or-treating started Friday, October 29 in Starkville at the Pumpkin Palooza. Olivia and her cousin Adilyn had so much fun going business to business trick-or-treating. The girls also got to watch the MSU cheerleaders perform for all the people that came. Olivia was a "princess" this year and Adilyn was a "go-go" girl. Adilyn's mom and I have so much fun preparing the girls to go trick-or-treat.
Saturday, October 30, Olivia and I attended Weir Attendance Center's fall festival. She won her first cake in the cake walk and she was so excited. After the festival we trick-or-treated a few houses and came home to hand out candy. I always enjoy seeing all the different costumes each year. This has been a busy month for us. I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as we have. Good night!


  1. It is these snippets of time that mold our children into the people they become. I am happy for you to have the opportunity to share your love with Olivia, but, mostly, I am happy for Olivia to have such a devoted, caring mother. Enjoyed the post; thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. It is very hard to have children sick with ear infections and sinus infections. I also found out that my daughter was allergic to many antibiotics too. The only difference they did not give them a shot back when she was little. I spent 7 long days and nights giving he baths every hour or so to relieve the intense itching. I went through this a couple of times. I would not wish that on anyone. I sure hope she is feeling better. She is a cutie.

  3. Love her princess costume and her matching pink pumpkin. She is so adorable. (But you already knew that.) I have had an ear infection this week. I have been in so much pain! I can't believe how bad this has disabled me this week. I haven't been out of the house since Thursday, and am so far behind in all of my housework, and school work. I hope she feels better.

  4. I just bought a bag of candy and handed it out to whomever came by. My little girl is only 1-year old and I am not going to take her trick-or-treating anyways. I will just have something at home, because so much go on know days. Keep up the good work.
