Monday, October 11, 2010

October, Breat Cancer Awareness Month! My Heros!

As you all probably know the month of October is breast cancer awareness month. October means a lot to me since my grandmother lost her battle to breast cancer February 15, 1993. However, that brings you one of my two heroes.  When diagnosed with breast cancer the doctors gave her four to five years to love. My grandmother, also known as, Granny Guffey fought against this horrible disease for two long years, and then she was called to heaven.
My Granny, Linda Lou, left this world leaving behind two daughters and one son, and two young granddaughters who loved her dearly. My granny was a strong woman who lived a tough life. She raised three children who were not even a year apart in age by herself. Granny struggled like any normal person did back in her younger days, but she made sure her children were taken care of. She never let the fact of her being a single mother of three get her down, it made her try even harder. I only wish to be as strong as she was. She is my #1 hero and I miss her dearly. 

Now on to my other hero, Maximillion Forrest, who is my brother and an American Army Soldier. I met Max in August of 2007, after being separated for many 20 long years. In September 2007, Max decided to make a huge step in life and joined the Army.  I was a very happy sister, but sad that after meeting my brother, a month later I was losing him to the military. Max has made it through his first tour in Afghanistan, and I am so proud of him. After he has served his 4 years, he will not enlist again. Max is my hero for taking the big step and serving our Country.  

I am thankful to have such wonderful people in my life. Not many people realize the importance of someone until they are gone.  I realized once I got older, and well after my grandmother was gone how much she really meant to me. I was only nine years old when she passed away. Now that I am older I see things a lot different and want to be that strong woman like she was. I know she is watching over me and helping me be strong and raise my daughter on my own.

I hope everyone is enjoying their blogs. I know I am, and so interested in what everyone else is posting. I think this is a great way for us to vent in a clean way when we need to, get to know each other, and to share special moments. I am going to try to make this interesting as possible and make them fun. I am hoping to share many pictures with you just as well. I love looking at everybody’s pictures. Have a great week, God Bless.

“For attractive lips, speak words of kindness. For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people. For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry. For beautiful hair, let a child run his fingers through it once a day. For poise, walk with the knowledge you'll never walk alone"- Audrey Hepburn


  1. I am testing the comment section of all students blogs. I thought I posted a comment for you yesterday but I do not see it. Hum????? Wonder what happened?

  2. I would like for you to tell your brother thank you for his being one of our protectors of this wonderful country we call the USA. If it were not for people like him, we would be like so many other countries fighting amongst each other.
    I think it is great that you were able to find your brother and have a relationship with him. I have two brothers. One is here in Columbus and the other one is in Maine. I do not get to see him. We used to be close, but the miles have really made it hard to keep up with each other.

  3. Lindsey....I am greatful for people like your brother. Hes my hero as well. You certainly have a busy life. Keep on going. The sky is the limit if you are willing to work for it. Beautiful little girl too.

  4. I really love the design and background you chose. You did an awesome job on the entire blog. Keep up the good work.

  5. It is hard to loose those that we love, anytime, but maybe harder when we are young. I lost my dad to cancer, and I still miss him. I want you to know that your brother and ALL of the troups that serve our great nation are heros. So proud of those who fight for our rights as well as the rights of others.

  6. My little brother is also in the National Guard. He did his first tour of duty in Iraq. I stayed on pins and needles for a whole year.
